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Leslie Campos

4 Self-Care Rules for Busy Mompreneurs

Updated: Mar 15, 2022

Image: Pexels

Mompreneurs often go the extra mile instead of using their time off to recharge and relax. However, the long-term effects of this can cause physical and emotional damage to your overall wellbeing. Here, Leslie Campos shares four ways to practice self-care so you can thrive during tough times.

1. Manage Stress at Work

It’s easy to become overwhelmed at work, particularly when you’re a busy mom and business owner. There are so many moving parts and so much to manage. If you haven’t already, it’s time to delegate tasks to your staff or to outsource tasks to a freelancer or virtual assistant. Having a freelancer update your website or take over bookkeeping can free up time for you (the keyword here is YOU).

Of course, the same holds true for your house. If your family has limited time for cleaning and grocery shopping, why not outsource these tasks? You can spend those extra hours relaxing with family or exercising.

2. Nourish Your Body

If you find yourself feeling a bit foggy in the afternoons, you may need to check your eating (and drinking) habits. When things get hectic, make sure you have healthy snacks on hand: cut veggies, fruit, nuts, hard-boiled eggs, beef jerky, or maybe an easy-to-grab bottled protein shake. Commit to at least one sit-down meal per day to eat freshly cooked and nutritionally balanced food.

Tech giants Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates admit they perform better when they get at least seven hours of shut-eye. If you get to bed on time but can’t fall asleep, try a bedtime routine that helps prepare your mind for rest. At least an hour before you get in bed, turn off all devices, including the TV. Don’t answer calls or emails, and do some light stretching to relax. Also, invest in comfortable linens, blackout curtains, and even a white noise machine.

3. Nurture Your Mind and Soul

If you haven’t tried meditation or mindfulness, you’re missing out. These practices are beneficial for everyone, but especially for harried mompreneurs. You can find guided mindfulness recordings or meditation music online.

Also, have you counted your blessings lately? Practicing gratitude is a proven stress-reliever. Each day, write down three things you are grateful for and meditate on them. This can help you feel more positive about any challenges you are facing.

Hobbies are another great way to get a break from the daily grind. Take up painting, drawing or pottery. Or try your hand at coding or writing. There are too many hobbies to list, but anything you choose can nourish your soul. Who knows? If you take up a hobby like pottery, you may find yourself building out a studio in your home where you can expand your work. You could even see a bump in your home’s value if you add extra space.

4. Get Away From It All

A day trip, a vacation, or a staycation can be great stress-relievers. Plan your getaway around your interests, and find out what activities are available in the area. A camping trip, a short weekend by the beach, or staying home and working in the garden provide ample opportunities to refresh and recharge.

According to research, entrepreneurs report better performance and satisfaction in all areas of their lives when they commit to self-care. As a mompreneur, it’s crucial to take this advice to heart. The key is to prioritize your health and happiness by setting boundaries between you and your workload. Remember, when taking time to yourself, “Relax” and “Enjoy yourself” should be the only things on your to-do list.

Leslie Campos created to offer help and resources to busy parents who want to stay healthy and active. Her site offers parents a variety of information from stress-busters to exercise ideas to healthy eating tips. In her free time, she enjoys yoga, CrossFit, and watching the Great British Baking Show.

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